about us

DAN FITZPATRICK is an established stock and options trader with more than 25 years of experience in the market and is a frequent guest commentator on CNBC.
Jim Cramer has called Fitzpatrick a “stock picking Sherlock Holmes”, and his work is regularly featured on Jim Cramer’s Mad Money television show.
Dan was a senior contributor to TheStreet.com and RealMoney.com and produced the popular short form video series “3 Stocks I Saw on TV.” He has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal and has appeared on Fox Business, Squawk on the Street, Fast Money, Power Lunch and The Closing Bell. He has also been featured in the Investors Business Daily Podcast Series and has hosted trading workshops throughout the United States for the past 15 years.
In 2006, Dan decided to build the website that he wished had existed when he first started trading in 1996. So he founded StockMarketMentor.com and dedicated himself to helping new and experienced traders alike improve their trading skills and gain the consistency that had eluded him when he first began trading. While the typical aspiring trader experiences wild swings in his account volatility ultimately leads to ruin. He also understood that most traders do not have a specific process or plan that is uniquely theirs. As such, they gravitate to “stock picking” websites, looking for the Holy Grail. Dan provides a “learn by doing” environment where members can follow his trades while working to develop their own trading process.
In 2021, Fitzpatrick Trading Group was founded, bringing together a tight group of traders with unique skills in trading stocks, options and cryptocurrencies.
These traders specialize in one discipline of trading and teach our members to trade profitably and consistently.
Trading is really hard. It takes more than just an interest in trading to become successful. Successful traders have a burning desire to succeed. They see trading mastery in their future and do not see failure as an option.
Do you have what it takes to join Fitzpatrick Trading Group?